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We Want You! (48 pt)

To Join Us for an Action and Information Meeting of Americans for Fair Taxation (20pt)

(Copy below 14 pt)

WHY: Don’t complain about the Income Tax – GET RID OF IT!
Help get H.R. 2525 passed. This Bi-Partisan bill will eliminate the IRS as "we know it," and replace the income tax with a FairTax.
WHAT: The FairTax is …
A federal consumption tax of 23% assessed on retain purchases to:
o Support our federal government and all its current programs;
o Replace the income tax, payroll tax, capital gains tax, estate tax, gift tax;
o Abolish the $9 billion a year Interanl Revenue Service;
o Reduce taxation on the low income households to $0, and
o Allow American families to save more
WHEN: Date
WHERE: Place, Address, Directions (if necessary)

Together We Can Make It Happen!