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Mail or Fax Contribution Form
Americans for Fair Taxation

Thank you for your interest in becoming a contributing or sustaining member. To mail in your gift, please print this page, fill in the information requested, and mail to the address below. If paying by check, please make your check payable to: Americans for Fair Taxation. If you are paying by credit, you can fax your form to 713.963.8403.

Americans for Fair Taxation
P.O. Box 27487
Houston, TX 77227

If you have any questions, please call 1.800.FAIRTAX.

Name: _______________________________________
Address: _______________________________________
City: _______________________________________
State: _______________________________________
Home: _________________ Work: _________________
E-mail: _________________ Date: _________________
Please Check the Contribution That Applies:
__ This is a one-time Contribution of $_______.
__ I would like to make a Sustaining Contribution of $______ on a __ Monthly, __ Quarterly or __ Yearly basis.

I would like to become a Grassroots Member at the following level:

__ Make It Just Another Day $10

__ Grassroots Video $25

__ Eagle $35

__ Liberty $50

__ Deluxe Video $50

__ Patriot $75

__ Founding $100

__ Grassroots Lobby $125

If paying by Credit Card, please fill out:
___ American Express ___ Visa ___ Mastercard ___ Discover
Card Number : ___________________________________
Expiration: ______
Signature: _______________________________________

If you are making a sustaining donation, it will be processed as follows:

  • Monthly, will be every 30 days, from the date of signup

To remove yourself as a sustaining donor, please contact the FairTax office at 1.800.FAIRTAX or send your request by e-mail to: members@fairtaxvolunteer.org.

Thank you for your gift. FairTax is a 501(c)4 organization, therefore, your generous gift is not tax deductible.